In December of 2019, salt buckets and scoops were provided to all homeowners for use on your unit's front walks, stairways and driveways.
Please store these salt buckets in your garage, rather than outside, where they can be negatively impacted by moisture, temperature variations, theft, etc.
Our seasonal snow removal contractor will plow driveways and shovel the walks and stairways, but will not be salting the driveways, walk-ups and stairways unless the HOA determines that unique circumstances warrant it.
Hence, please use the salt in your bucket as you feel necessary.
Please remember that the snow removal contractor will not do any plowing or shoveling unless the snowfall reaches at least 2 inches. By providing all units with a salt bucket, you will have easy access to salt during those times between and after plowing.
As a reminder, the Village of Vernon Hills is responsible for any salting/deicing of the streets, as they see fit, once they’ve been plowed.
If you need additional salt for your buckets, or a replacement scoop, please contact W.L. Seymour. The salt bucket/scoop is property of the homeowner's association and should remain at the unit, even when sold.